
J.L. Colombo – Les Fées Brunes 2013

(96 customer reviews)
฿2,000.00 Price per piece
฿1,840.00 Price when ordering 12 or more

Racy and pure, with violet, mineral, iron, and black cherry fruit that races along the fine-grained structure. Nicely done.








Shiraz, Syrah

Good with

Beef, Lamb, Game, Deer, Venison, Poultry, Red Meats


Jean-Luc Colombo

  1. 🇵🇹 Jair

    Muito bom esse syrah do Rhone degustado no almoço desse domingo. Um vinho muito elegante e fácil de beber. Destaque pra notas de frutas secas e maduras com leve groselha e pimenta do reino.
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    Very good this syrah of the Rhone tasted at lunch this Sunday. A very elegant and easy drinking wine. Highlight to notes of dried and ripe fruits with mild currant and black pepper.
  2. 🇫🇷 Brieuc

    Un peu vert à mon goût
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    A little green for my taste
  3. 🇵🇹 Fernando

    Nariz discreto. Equilibrado , na boca melhor do que no nariz. Taninos redondos.
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    discreet nose. Balanced in the 👄 mouth mouth better than in the nose. Tannins round.
  4. 🇵🇹 André

    Pimenta branca e um brecht
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    white pepper and a brecht
  5. 🇪🇸 Joab

    De buena intensidad y con notas de frutos negros, pimienta, clavo y flores
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    Good intensity with notes of black fruits, pepper, cloves and flowers
  6. 🇱🇦 Rafael

    Rebueno Syrah purista
    auto-translated to english
    Rebueno Merlot puriste
  7. 🇫🇷 Clement

    Le grand spécialiste du Cornas étant son domaine au crozes Hermitage, un joli vin mais dans la moyenne peut être même trop extrait avec des valeurs de pruneaux limite un languedoc. On n'y reconnait pas beaucoup la syrah
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    The specialist of Cornas is its field in Crozes Hermitage, a nice wine but average may be even too extracted with prunes values ​​a limit Languedoc. We do not recognize much Syrah
  8. 🇺🇸 Mirek

    Oh well, I would've liked something nicer for s Friday night it's ok, decent but I'll forget it as soon as I finish my glass....
  9. 🇫🇷 Alexis

    Épicé, poivron, fruits rouges. Colombo toujours aussi bon
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    🌶️ Spicy Spicy, pepper, red fruit. Colombo still good
  10. 🇪🇸 Rodolfo

    Excelente relación precio calidad, especiado pero no abrumador , cada vez me gusta más
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    Excellent value for money, 🌶️ spicy spicy but not overwhelming, every time I like
  11. 🇪🇸 Chris

    Estructurado y complejo
    auto-translated to english
    Structured and complex
  12. 🇵🇹 José

    Elegante apresenta frutas maduras apesar de passagem na madeira. Longo, bom corpo.
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    Elegant presents ripe fruit despite passage in wood. Long, good body.
  13. 🇵🇹 Emerson

    Muito bom vinho. Cor rubi intensa. muito límpida. Nariz muito eupirematico e com madeira. Na boca equilibrado, boa acidez, sobra um pouco de á lcool feijão longo.
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    Very good wine. Ruby intensa. muito clear. Nose very eupirematico and wood. In the 👄 mouth mouth balanced, good acidity, left a bit long beans alcohol.
  14. 🇫🇷 Mingxin

    Jamais déçu pour un vin de Jean-Luc Colombo. Pour cette cuvée de Croze : bien faite, nette, et gourmande. La texture est veloutée. Belles notes de fruits rouges jeunes, suivies par des notes d'épices douces ( vanille) et noirs ( poivres).
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    Never disappointed for a wine of Jean-Luc Colombo. For this wine Croze: well made, clean, and delicious. The texture is velvety. Young beautiful notes of red fruit, followed by sweet spices ( vanilla) and black ( pepper).
  15. 🇳🇴 Steinar

    Lukket og skarp. Kirsebær og vanilje på nese.. Oppleves lukket og noen trang på smak.. Fine tanniner, men litt ''smal'' og snerpete. nServert ute og derav ikke luftet..nHåpet på et annet inntrykk etter noen runder i glasset, men litt skuffende der altså...
    auto-translated to english
    Closed and sharp. 🍒 Cherry Cherry and vanilla nose .. Experience closed and no need of the taste .. Fine tannins but slightly '' template '' and prim. NServert out and hence not aerated .. nHåpet at a different appearance after a few rounds in the glass, but a bit disappointing ones, with the ...
  16. 🇮🇹 Stefano

    Deluso, chi me lo ha consigliato meglio che cambia lavoro, li pago anche quelli buoni...
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    Disappointed, who advised me that the best change jobs, I pay them even the good ones ...
  17. 🇺🇸 Riccardo

    Too young but good potential
  18. 🇵🇹 Daniela

    Rubi escuro, frutas negras, amora, pimenta e cogumelo. Bem equilibrado. Poderia ser guardado por mais 2 ou 3 anos.
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    Dark ruby, black fruit, blackberry, pepper and 🍄 mushroom mushroom. Well balanced. It could be saved for another 2 or 3 years.
  19. 🇵🇹 Red

    Cor rubi intenso e lágrimas persistentes. Nariz vinho em evolução. Em boca taninos fortes, ataque em boca com muito corpo, preenche toda a boca. com acidez média (-). Tem potencial de envelhecimento, vinho aceitavel.
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    < strong> Intense strong> ruby ​​< strong> color strong> and < strong> persistent strong> < strong> tears strong>. Nose Wine < strong> evolving strong>. In the < strong>👄 mouth mouth strong> strong tannins, attack in < strong>👄 mouth mouth strong> with great body, fills the < strong>👄 mouth mouth strong>. with average acidity (-). It has aging potential, acceptable wine.
  20. 🇵🇹 Carlos

    Um Syrah elegante e complexo com equilíbrio adequado. Bom vinho. Saúde.
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    An elegant and complex Syrah with proper balance. Good wine. Cheers.
  21. 🇵🇹 Helio

    Rubi, limpido, pimenta, flor, otima acidez, redondo, ótimo vinho.
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    Ruby, limpid, pepper, flower, optimal acidity, round, great wine.
  22. 🇺🇸 Walter

    Yes...this wine just did it... absolutely lovely. A very elegant wine.

    Dark ruby color... clear. powerful nose with spice and some prunes.

    Well integrated tannins on the palate. Good feuit background...🌶️ spicy spicy peppery hints but overall a much more elegant and suptle wine rather than the in your face power...

    Great finish....had it with duck breast, parsnip, home grown 🍄 mushrooms mushrooms and fermented garlic
  23. 🇺🇸 J

    Not < strong> quite strong> what I < strong> expected strong>. A strong bitter after taste......
  24. 🇵🇹 Fernando

    Bom vinho. Elegante e gastronômico. Aromas de frutas vermelhas, pimenta branca e baunilha. Taninos firmes e ótima persistência.
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    Good wine. Elegant and gastronomic. Aromas of red fruits, white pepper and vanilla. firm tannins and great persistence.
  25. 🇪🇸 Javier

    Especias con fruta y madera. Muy agradable al gusto, aunque con nariz tímida.
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    Spices with fruit and wood. Very pleasant to taste, albeit with timid nose.
  26. 🇫🇷 Ana

    Bloooming, cassis.
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    Bloooming, blackcurrant.
  27. 🇵🇹 Fernanda

    Vinho encorpado, frutas negras e vermelhas, tabaco no aroma. Aveludado e tabaco no sabor. Bastante amadeirado foi harmonizado com presunto de parma.
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    full-bodied wine, black and red fruit, tobacco aroma. Velvety and tobacco flavor. Quite woody was harmonized with parma ham.
  28. 🇫🇷 Rémi

    Plutôt agréable mais bien jeune.
    auto-translated to english
    Rather nice but very young.
  29. 🇩🇰 Gustavo

    Rubi intenso.
    Levemente tanico!
    Aroma frutas vermelhas!
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    Rubi intenso.
    Living Did tanico!
    Aroma frutas Vermelhas!
  30. 🇺🇸 Sylvian

    Fine Crozes. A bit short at the end but otherwise nice and smooth in the 👄 mouth mouth.
  31. 🇺🇸 Craig

  32. 🇺🇸 Michael

    Had in Paris at our apartment. Decent. Nothing special.
  33. 🇫🇷 Celine

    Violet, dense et sombre.
    Aromatique plutôt élevée, cassis, mures, fruits noirs, herbes de provence et réglisse.
    Sec, acidité élevée, tannins ronds doux, alcool moyen et bien intégré, corps dense et soyeux.
    auto-translated to english
    Purple, dense and dark.
    Aromatic rather high, blackcurrants, blackberries, black fruit, licorice and 🌿 herbs herbs of Provence.
    Dry, high acidity, soft round tannins, medium and alcohol well integrated, dense and silky .
  34. 🇫🇷 Matthieu

    Joli vin. Belle fraîcheur.
    auto-translated to english
    Nice wine. Beautiful freshness.
  35. 🇪🇸 evansas

    @ Madrid 2017
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    @ Madrid 2017
  36. 🇺🇸 Andres

    Young wine with with a subtle 'après goût'. 🍒 Cherries Cherries and cassis reveal this nice Syrah.
  37. 🇫🇷 Emmanuel

    Un très bel accueil en bouche très dynamique, demande à s'ouvrir et se révèle bien, un peu classique peut-être
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    A beautiful home in very dynamic 👄 mouth mouth, ask open and reveals good, a little classical maybe
  38. 🇵🇹 Nayara

    Secundário- defumado, tostado. Algo como café, condimento. Elegante
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    Secundário- smoked, toasted. Something like coffee, condiment. Elegant
  39. 🇺🇸 Andre

    Great flavor, great experience ! Worth for money!
  40. 🇫🇷 François-Xavier

    Fruité é quilibré pas trop lourd facile a boire
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    not too heavy balanced fruity easy to drink
  41. 🇫🇷 Pierre

    Soleil mais un peu léger et jeune pour un crozes Hermitage
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    Sun but a bit light and young for a Crozes Hermitage
  42. 🇫🇷 Sebastien

    Un peu déçu. Beaucoup sur l’alcool encore
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    A little disappointed. Many on alcohol yet
  43. 🇫🇷 J-Francois

    D'agréable tenue mais un peu insaisissable.
    auto-translated to english
    On nice outfit but somewhat elusive.
  44. 🇵🇹 Aline

    Límpido, vermelho rubi, consistente.
    No olfato, intenso, complexo, fino com aromas de pimenta branca, madeira e fermentação.
    No palato, seco, á lcool médio, macio, fresco, tânico, média mineralidade.
    Vinho equilibrado, intenso, com média persistência, elegante, pronto e harmônico.
    auto-translated to english
    Clear, ruby ​​red solid.
    In smell, heavy, complex, with fine white pepper flavors, wood and fermentation.
    On the palate, dry, alcohol medium, soft, cool, tannic, medium mineral notes.
    balanced wine, intense with average persistence, elegant, ready and harmonious.
  45. 🇵🇹 Rodrigo

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  46. 🇺🇸 Tom

    Merci Jean Luc Colombo !
  47. 🇺🇸 Dave

    Good. A bit on the dry/ earthy side. Not the best crozes I’ve had but good.
  48. 🇺🇸 Lee

    Fruity, very nice
  49. 🇺🇸 Joan

    Very nice. Well balanced.
  50. 🇺🇸 Brett

    Enjoyable syrah. A 🏠 house house selection in a highly rated trip advisor restaurant L'arts Terre in Valence, 🇫🇷 France France that seems like a good value and fit.
  51. 🇺🇸 Eduardo

    Honesto, equilibrado, intenso.
  52. 🇫🇷 Alexis

    Un coup de coeur !
    auto-translated to english
    A favorite !
  53. 🇫🇷 Knight

    Conviviale et fruité. Parfait sur une viande bien juteuse et cuite en potofeu
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    Friendly and fruity. Perfect with a juicy and cooked meat in potofeu
  54. 🇩🇪 Robert

    Sehr charmant und geschmeidig, passt bei leichte Gerichte, von Fisch bis Kalbsfleisch über 🍕 Pizza Pizza.

    Typisch '' Sirah'' ist er nicht, für Rindsfleisch, Lamm oder Wild wird er zu kurz kommen, dafür zu wenig ''Body'' und Konzentration.
    Aber gut, hat der Weinmacher so gewählt, ist wahrscheinlich Rendementssache. Ehrliche Preisleistung.
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    Very charming and smooth, fit for light dishes, from fish to veal to 🍕 pizza pizza.

    Typical '' Sirah '' he is not, for beef meat, lamb or game he will come up short, but too little '' Body '' and focus.
    But well, has the winemaker chosen so is likely to yield thing. Honest price performance.
  55. 🇫🇷 Antoine

    Venaison !
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    🦌 Venison Venison!
  56. 🇺🇸 Kevin

    Gentle and feminine, would be a great lunchtime selection
  57. 🇫🇷 Fouad

    Long en bouche, explosion de saveurs
    auto-translated to english
    Long finish, explosion of flavors
  58. 🇫🇷 Olivier

    Vin puissant, minéral, floral et fruité. Sympa
    auto-translated to english
    Powerful wine, mineral, floral and fruity. Friendly
  59. 🇺🇸 SIuSuM

    Very nice after breathing for an hour
  60. 🇫🇷 Peter

    Un bon vin d'une belle maison.
    auto-translated to english
    A good wine of a beautiful 🏠 house house.
  61. 🇺🇸 Morten

    Old 🏫 school school 🇫🇷 French French Syrah
  62. 🇵🇹 Pedro

    Frutado, couro, longo. Excelente!!
    auto-translated to english
    Fruity, leather, long. Great!!
  63. 🇫🇷 Laurent

    Sympathique sans grand intérêt
    auto-translated to english
    Sympathetic little interest
  64. 🇺🇸 Kulraj

    This were right fookin' lovely.
  65. 🇺🇸 Joar

    Very good with lamb. Dark berries and some spices.
  66. 🇫🇷 Laurent

    Bu le 2/2/2018 avec Yannick et Jeremie chez les copains d’abord à Metz
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    Bu 02/02/2018 Yannick and Jeremie among the first friends in Metz
  67. 🇺🇸 Ian

    Magician of Rhone does it again!
  68. 🇳🇱 Jaap

    Heerlijke mondvol smaak. Lekker roodfruitig,
    auto-translated to english
    Delicious mouthful of flavor. Tasty red fruit,
  69. 🇫🇷 Ky

    Bon mais surevalué En prix
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    Good but overvalued prices
  70. 🇺🇸 Luka

  71. 🇫🇷 Briancourt

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  72. 🇫🇷 Vincent

    Ensoleillé... Velouté...
    auto-translated to english
    Sunny ... soup ...
  73. 🇩🇪 Judith

    Vollmundig, kräftig
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    < strong> Full-bodied strong>, strong
  74. 🇫🇷 Pepe

    Amere ou trop jeune ???
    auto-translated to english
    Bitter or too young ???
  75. 🇫🇷 Bonobo

    Agréable en bouche. Peut être un peu jeune. A acheter chez Nicolas ( moins cher que j'ai trouvé)
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    Pleasant in the 👄 mouth mouth. Maybe a little younger. A buy at Nicolas ( cheapest I've found)
  76. 🇫🇷 Laurence

    Une valeur sûre
    auto-translated to english
    A safe bet
  77. 🇫🇷 Olivier

    Un régal d'équilibre, tout en rondeur et notes fruitées très équilibrées.
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    A balance treat, very round and very balanced fruity notes.
  78. 🇫🇷 Mathis

    Bon vin é quilibre, encore un peu jeune
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    Good wine balance, still a little young
  79. 🇫🇷 Diane

    Bon, mais pas de wouaou effect
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    Good, but not Wow effect
  80. 🇺🇸 Rainbow

    High acid, new oak, 100% Syrah
  81. 🇺🇸 Eoin

    Awesome with oxtail stew!
  82. 🇫🇷 Pierre

    Bon mais casquette le lendemain
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    Good but cap the day
  83. 🇵🇹 Edson

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  84. 🇺🇸 KangaSipper

    Lacks 'pop'. Slightly dry finish. Not offense but also not memorable in any way
  85. 🇺🇸 Adrien

  86. 🇫🇷 Lamaze

    Bon, fin, pas trop puissant pr un Crozes Hermitage
    auto-translated to english
    Okay, fine, not too powerful pr a Crozes Hermitage
  87. 🇪🇴 Vivino

  88. 🇫🇷

    Très bon :)
    auto-translated to english
    Very good :)
  89. 🇫🇷 Gaëlle

    Très bon, prononcé en bouche
    auto-translated to english
    Very good, delivered in 👄 mouth mouth
  90. 🇺🇸 Danny

    great wine, love it
  91. 🇪🇸 Antovolpe

    Mermelada y madera
    auto-translated to english
    Marmalade and wood
  92. 🇫🇷 Jonathan

    Puissant et délicat
    auto-translated to english
    Powerful and delicate
  93. 🇺🇸 Krish

    It's a good table wine.
  94. 🇫🇷 Jerome

    Très fruitée bon é quilibre
    auto-translated to english
    Very fruity balance
  95. 🇮🇹 Stine

    Kinaseminar. Fino vino
    auto-translated to english
    Kinaseminar. Up wine
  96. 🇫🇷 Marlene

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