
Loxarel – Amaltea 2015

(19 customer reviews)
฿860.00 Price per piece
฿780.00 Price when ordering 12 or more







Merlot, Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon

Good with

Beef, Pasta, Veal, Poultry, Red Meats



  1. 🇺🇸 Andrew

    🍋 Lemon Lemon colour. Shy nose. Little taste too! A very poor wine with little character or body. If you like wine to taste full uninteresting and feeble try this! There is nothing wrong with the production of the wine just nothing to it!
  2. 🇪🇸 Matias

    Me contaron que en el lugar de origen costo 6E.. en ese valor es lo mejor que hebtomado
    auto-translated to english
    I was told that the place of origin 6E cost .. that value is the best I hebtomado
  3. 🇷🇺 Vitaly

    Ах Пенедес, мой Пенедес! Прикосить в ущерб текстуре и букету, но какое сочетание каберне, мерло и темранийо! Да-да, правильно говорить именно темпранийо. Дубовые нотки с чёрными ягодами, послевкусие с ванилью и орехами. Красота среди бюджетных вин! Даже аромат есть: древесные опилки и орех. Наслаждайтесь!
    Пы Сы. А чо тут все про белое вино пишут? Дальтоники?
    auto-translated to english
    Ah Penedes, Penedes my! Prikosit to the detriment of the texture and 💐 bouquet bouquet, but a combination of Cabernet, Merlot and temraniyo! Yes, it is correct to say Tempranillo. Oak notes with black berries and finish with vanilla and nuts. Beauty among budget 🍷 wines wines! Even the fragrance is: wood chips and nuts. Enjoy!
    Py Sy. And Cho everything about white wine write? Color-blind?
  4. 🇺🇸 Raymond

    A good white, very expressive... lovely stone fruit 💐 bouquet bouquet, very aromatic... dry & sharp finish... good acidity.. flavours of honey dew 🍈 melon melon..
  5. 🇩🇰 Torben

    Sødme og frugt i duften. Men tør vin.
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    Sweetness and fruit aroma. But dry wine.
  6. 🇪🇸 Guille42

    Al abrirlo olia a cava. Poco a poco mejoró al oxigenarlo. Pero no me gusto Joan
    auto-translated to english
    When opened smelled cava. Gradually he improved to oxygenate. But I do not like Joan
  7. 🇺🇸 Zachary

    Notes of ripe fruit on a fresh base of Mediterranean undergrowth. Fresh and pleasant with excellent acidity. Easy to drink, presence of an abundance of fruity touches.
  8. 🇷🇺 Max

    Под еду норм вполне
    auto-translated to english
    Under the food standards is quite
  9. 🇳🇴 Bongo

  10. 🇪🇸 Ro

    seco y muy aromático. recomendable
    auto-translated to english
    dry and very aromatic. recommendable
  11. 🇪🇸 Emilio

    La almatea la vaca muy buena la urbe. Glu glu en el rinconcito en Colcerola. La 🐁 mouse mouse y el limon iban muy bien y no iba a beber.
    auto-translated to english
    The almatea very good cow the city. Glu glu in the corner in Colcerola. The 🐁 mouse mouse and 🍋 lemon lemon were going well and not going to drink.
  12. 🇺🇸 Sam

    Standard cap
  13. 🇯🇵 Kaz

    auto-translated to english
    Easy scent is less but drink also less acidity
  14. 🇵🇹 Pau

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  15. 🇺🇸 Neus

    Fruity but dry. Good choice if you like white wine and you need to choose from Penedes ones.
  16. 🇪🇸 Toni

    Rico, entrada suave
    auto-translated to english
    Rich, smooth entry
  17. 🇪🇸 Marta

    Adecuado para acompañar quesos.
    auto-translated to english
    Suitable to accompany 🧀 cheeses cheeses.
  18. 🇳🇱 Gert

    Lekker wit wijntje, maar zeker geen droge wijn.
    auto-translated to english
    Delicious white wine, but not a dry wine.
  19. 🇨🇳 子民

    auto-translated to english
    Coupled with seafood, you can taste
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